
About Staff

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So far Staff has created 74 blog entries.

Fear of Losing Family Reputation: A Hindrance to Help-Seeking

In 2020, around 46.2% of the United States population received and sought mental health services. 8% was in the Asian population. Although there has been an increasing trend of individuals seeking support, there is still a reluctance to receive mental health services. Contributing factors range from the stigma of mental illness, lack of accessibility to [...]

2022-07-04T16:45:45-04:00May 6th, 2022|Culture, Suicide|

Secret to Dealing with Imposter Syndrome

Imposter Syndrome is when one starts doubting his/her abilities and denies accomplishments. In other words, the person does not feel like he/she belongs in the field and feels like a “fake". This syndrome presents in different ways: some individuals can overwork themselves, others will never be satisfied, some fixate on flaws and dismiss positive feedback, [...]

2022-04-11T12:29:49-04:00April 22nd, 2022|Mental Health|

The Academic Pressure on South Asian Youths

You put your book bag down and turn on the TV to enjoy some of your favorite cartoons - a typical relaxing day after school. Doesn’t this sound great? Well, this was not always the case for me. My after-school time was quite different. Every day, I sat mindlessly highlighting prep books trying to solve all [...]

2022-07-04T16:48:22-04:00April 8th, 2022|Culture, Mental Health|

What Helped My Anxiety

People throughout the world experience issues with mental health at any given time. These can manifest in multiple visceral reactions, which can include anxiety, irritability, weight loss, fatigue, lack of appetite, and many more. The physical manifestations of subconscious or conscious issues can add to the existing pressure and stress the person is experiencing. In [...]

2022-07-04T16:48:54-04:00March 25th, 2022|Anxiety|

Finding Normalcy in Uncertain Times

Normalcy is defined as the state of being typical, usual, or expected. For years, we lived our lives seemingly carefree and distant from the possibility of a catastrophe. Then, COVID hit, whipping us in the face with variants such as Delta and most recently, Omicron. For children, teens, and college students, the changes have been [...]

2022-07-04T16:49:27-04:00March 11th, 2022|COVID-19|

Making My Mind My Friend

Lessons from Martin Luther King Jr., Eleanor Roosevelt, and Natasha Bedingfield “Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into a friend.” On its surface, this profound quote attributed to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. pertains to the way we treat each other. I’ve also found it can be directed inwards. Since an [...]

2022-02-15T22:52:43-05:00February 25th, 2022|Mental Health|

Living with Stress During the Pandemic

The fact that we have been stressed tremendously is not news to anyone. But it might help to understand the complex relationship between stress and our bodies. Why do our bodies adapt to some stressful events while other stressors make us sick? Let us start with the difference between the stressors our ancestors faced and [...]

2022-01-28T10:38:40-05:00January 28th, 2022|COVID-19|

Mental Illness is NOT Contagious

Recently a South Asian high school junior informed his father with great enthusiasm, that he was very much interested in mental health and wants to become a psychiatrist. His father expressed his serious concerns that as a psychiatrist, talking to lot of mentally ill people might make him mentally ill. He tried to discourage his [...]

2022-01-15T16:41:58-05:00January 14th, 2022|Mental Illness|
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