You may be struggling with feeling like you don’t know how to navigate a life transition, loss of someone you love, or you’ve hit a low point and you’re feeling stuck. The reality is that being a human on this planet is hard! Your tender heart may have endured so much and yet it may be difficult to continue to feel like you know how to navigate by yourself right now. You really want to feel like yourself again, to reclaim the preciousness of who you are, to come home to your true self and to your life with you in it.
By grounding in the present moment and in your body, you learn how to connect to your own truth and wisdom and make choices that aligned with what you truly desire. We work together to recognize and move through the internal blocks that keep you from living and relating the way you really want to. It is my honor to be your guide in your journey back to you.
I know what it’s like to feel lost, scared and alone. It’s not always easy, but you are worth reclaiming your true self and your life. For the last 20+ years, I’ve been studying and guiding others integrating psychology and spirituality and am a Diamond Logos Teacher in Training.
Reach out today for a free consultation.