In keeping with SAMHIN’s mission of greater dialogue on mental health in the South Asian community and highlight the important work of others, we invited Tanish Apte-Joshi to share his thoughts on stigma associated with adolescent suicide during National Suicide Prevention Month.

Adolescent suicide is a tragic and complex issue that affects far too many families and communities worldwide. Unfortunately, stigma surrounding suicide and mental health can make it difficult for adolescents to seek help or for loved ones to offer support.

Stigma can take many forms, such as negative attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors towards individuals who have attempted or died by suicide. This stigma can lead to feelings of shame, guilt, and isolation, which can make it even more challenging for adolescents to talk about their suicidal thoughts or get the help they need. Additionally, some people may be hesitant to discuss suicide and mental health openly, believing that doing so could increase the risk of suicide. However, research has shown that talking about suicide and offering support can actually help reduce suicidal ideation and behavior.

To combat the stigma surrounding adolescent suicide, we must work to increase awareness and education about suicide and mental health. This can include providing information on warning signs, risk factors, and resources for those struggling with suicidal thoughts or behavior. We also need to encourage open and compassionate conversations about suicide and mental health, both within families and communities. By reducing the shame and isolation associated with suicide, we can create a more supportive environment for those struggling with suicidal thoughts or behavior and ultimately save lives.

In conclusion, the stigma surrounding adolescent suicide can have devastating effects on individuals and their families. To address this issue, we need to increase awareness and education about suicide and mental health and encourage open and compassionate conversations about these topics. By working together, we can break down the stigma surrounding adolescent suicide and provide support for those in need.

Tanish Joshi-ApteBy Tanish Joshi-Apte
High school student
Phoenix, Arizona

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