The Mental Health Provider Directory includes mental health providers who have registered with SAMHIN. The listing of providers should not be considered an endorsement or recommendation by SAMHIN. SAMHIN does not warrant the accuracy or completeness of information in any provider listing. We recommend you call the provider to confirm information such as accepted insurance.


forward facing_1 copy.jpeg
New York, NY 10001

Should you leave or stay?  People tell you that your relationship is toxic. You have too many thoughts in your head and feel completely exhausted. You are successful and smart woman but trying to figure this out is overwhelming.  On some days, you want to start over. On other days, you want to work it out. You feel the constant cultural pressure about your role as a woman, you’re friends want to see you “happy again,” your family want you to “stay for the kids sake.”

I understand the challenge.

The focus of my work has been to help women with children become clear and confident about how to take the next step. With over twenty years in private practice in the NYC area, I have worked with women who have experienced narcissistic abuse.  They describe their relationship as “toxic.”
My work is focused on helping women learn how to de-escalate conflict, apply behavioral management, engage strategic intervention, and move forward in a healthy way.

There is hope. I can help you.

narcissistic abuse and anxiety
Treatment(s) Offered
Country of Origin
United States
Insurance Accepted
Medicare Accepted
Medicaid Accepted
Sliding Fee Scale
Evening Hours
Saturday Hours
Languages Spoken In Addition To English
Showing 1 - 10 of 154 results