SAMHIN answers questions about mental illness and treatment by developing mental health support programs for people of all age groups and walks of life. We also create and distribute educational materials. The SAMHIN team of mental health professionals participates in a variety of community outreach programs to engage and educate people about mental health and available services for South Asians. We participate in health fairs, appear on TV shows, organize workshops, and can be heard on radio shows. See where you can find us at upcoming events.
We conduct these activities to educate, improve mental health literacy, and address the mental health needs of the South Asian community. Stigma and shame are major impediments to seeking psychiatric care. Education improves understanding of mental illness and decreases stigma and access to care. We also provide guidance to non-South Asian mental health providers regarding cultural issues related to the treatment of South Asians.
SAMHIN’s origins are in New Jersey and we are working to expand throughout the United States.
SAMHIN Support Groups
Divorced Women Support Group – virtual
First and third Tuesday of every month, 7:30 PM – 8:30 PM ET
See divorced women’s support group details
Suicide Survivor Support Group – virtual
Second and fourth Monday of each month, 8:00 PM – 9:00 PM ET
See suicide survivor support group details
Global Gratitude Group of USA AA Meetings – virtual
Every Monday 8:00 pm ET – 9:00pm ET
Every Thursday 8:00 pm – 9:00 pm ET (The “room” opens at 7:45 PM for informal chat before the formal meeting begins).
See global gratitude group AA meeting details
Mental Wellness Support Group for Youth – virtual
1st and 3rd Wednesday of every month 5pm – 6pm Eastern Time
See mental wellness youth support group details
SAMHIN Community Liaisons
Community Events
The SAMHIN team of mental health professionals participates in a variety of community outreach programs to engage and educate people about mental health and available services for South Asians in the U.S. See where we will be next.
Helpline – Do you have a mental health question?
SAMHIN responds to phone and email questions about mental health, addiction, resources, and how to help a family member who is struggling with mental illness or addiction. Inquiries come from individuals, institutions, mental health providers, spiritual organizations, etc. Some questions are about the cultural context of an individual being cared for by a non-South Asian provider who is not familiar with the South Asian culture. See helpline details
If you have a mental health question, please contact us at 732-902-2561 or and a member of our mental health team will respond in a timely manner.
A mental health provider from SAMHIN conducts a monthly support group at Manavi’s Ashiana for South Asian women who are victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence, and stalking. Manavi’s support groups provide emotional support for women as they work to empower themselves. These sessions are a safe place for survivors to share their personal experiences with violence. Mental health professionals also conduct workshops on diverse topics like sexual and reproductive health and positive coping mechanisms for depression and anxiety.
Future SAMHIN Programs
- Geographic expansion of our Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) meetings
- Developing Al-Anon meetings for the friends and families of problem drinkers
- Developing Narcotics Anonymous (NA) groups for South Asians for whom drug abuse has become a problem
- Conducting educational workshops to help people understand mental health and wellness and overcome roadblocks to accessing care
- Developing a program to provide access to affordable psychiatric care (low cost or even free) to South Asians who do not have health insurance or are financially disadvantaged