Mental Health Screenings – Long Island, New York
July 7, 2024 @ 11:00 AM - 3:00 PM
| FreeThe SAMHIN team of mental health providers will provide mental health screenings for stress, anxiety, depression, substance abuse, ADHD, etc. The clinicians will be available to answer your questions and provide any advice and referrals when needed. Free educational handouts will be available. Clinicians will be available to answer any questions about mental health and addiction. You will have a chance to speak with a clinician confidentially and without being judged.
Join us at the health fair if . . .
You would like to speak confidentially to the SAMHIN team of mental health providers.
You have questions about a loved one’s struggles with stress, depression, tension, or alcohol or drug abuse.
You have questions or need advice about any mental illness and addiction.
You would like a free mental health screening.
You have questions about diagnosis and treatment.
You have questions about where to go for treatment.