The Mental Health Provider Directory includes mental health providers who have registered with SAMHIN. The listing of providers should not be considered an endorsement or recommendation by SAMHIN. SAMHIN does not warrant the accuracy or completeness of information in any provider listing. We recommend you call the provider to confirm information such as accepted insurance.


Bhat Jyothsna.jpg
601 Ewing Street, Suite A12, Princeton, NJ 08540
601 Ewing Street Princeton New Jersey 08540 US

I have worked with children, adults, and families for over 15 years helping them deal with depression, anxiety, school issues, family problems, and other emotional and behavioral issues. I use a collaborative approach to help empower clients to take an active role in their therapy. Ongoing homework and exercises are provided to ensure your getting the full benefits of therapy. I also provided couples therapy in which we work on bringing awareness to dysfunctional patterns of communication, increase loving connection, and find new ways of relating to one another. I am also offering ADHD testing evaluations and Decisional Capacity Evaluations (to assist with guardianship issues), as well as Corporate Wellness sessions for company employers and employees. I am an advocate for mental health in the South Asian community and try to do my part to stop the stigma of mental illness in our community. I have many South Asian and South Asian American clients and I feel very happy to help my community deal overcome the stigma and learn ways to cope with their challenges.

Second Location Address
22 South State Street, Suite 3, Newtown, PA 18940
Child and adult psychological services, corporate wellness, depression, anxiety, family and couples, childhood issues
Treatment(s) Offered
Psychotherapy, psychological testing
Country of Origin
Languages in Addition to English
Some Tamil
Insurance Accepted
Medicare Accepted
Medicaid Accepted
Evening Hours
Saturday Hours
Languages Spoken In Addition To English
Showing 1 - 10 of 157 results